Thursday 14 November 2019

Corbans Estate Trip

Hello Blogger's I am Vivian.

On Wednesday 13th of November  Kaiwhare, Mokoroa and Haumia  went on a trip called 
Corbans Estate to work with the Pacific Mamas . We sang some songs and learnt  how to say some words. We also learnt how to play the drums and  make leis.

When the bell ran we did the roll then the teacher put us in groups and we then went in to the bus. When we got there some of us had half of are morning tea  and then we were greet by one of the Pacific Mamas Aunty Tu.  We went inside there was loud  drumming. We  sang some songs and learnt how to say some words. Then we had morning tea. We also learnt how to play the drums and  make leis. There were heap of types of drums like the log drum and the shark skin drum.  We made the leis  for some one we want to make t feel better because Muma Jacinda  said we should give it to someone for love, of it they are sick or to say thank you or  saying sorry. I gave my one to one of the Aunty Jacinda ( not the Prime Minister ) and she give one to me.

My favourite workshop was making the leis it was so much fun! We got to choose the colours we liked.