Saturday, 18 April 2020

Let's make steam egg cake

Hi blogger's I am Vivian.

Today I am going to steam egg cake and ,theses are the thing you will need 

  • What You Need:
  • Hand mixer 
  • plate
  •  Scale
  •  Pots
  •  spoon 
  • 5 eggs
  •  80g of sugar and mike
  • 110g of flour
  •  20g of oil  
Now you have the thing you need we can start!

  1. Get the thing you need, hand mixer, plates scale pots, spoon, 5 eggs, 110g flour, 80g of mike and sugar  and Oil 20g
  2. Break the egg 
  3. Beat the egg yolks until smooth  add ¼ of sugar, oil mike and flour. 
  4. Beat the egg white until stiff by election hand mixer gradually  beat in ¼ of sugar at a time. Do not rush the process, the be thick and glossy
  5. Steam the mixed cream for about 15 minutes 
  6. Eat the  egg cake



  1. Vivian, thank you for sharing your steam egg cake recipe. It sounds soft and delicious. I am curious about the ingredient "mike". Do you mean "milk" or is it a special ingredient (that obviously, I haven't heard of before)?
    I've made steamed pudding before, in a bowl within a pot of boiling water, but I've never steamed a cake before. When you steamed your cake, was it in a pan inside a bamboo steamer or can you explain that step a bit more, please. I'd like to try out your recipe myself.

  2. Wow Vivian, I think the last time I made a cake was about 26 years ago, so I'm very impressed with this recipe. It sounds delicious! I really like how you've written the recipe so that other people can have a go at making the cake.
    I'm not sure what has happened to the formatting of your blog post, maybe Mrs McLellan or Mr Riceman might be able to advise you on how it can be better spaced out.
    What is your favourite type of cake to make? Thank you so much for sharing your learning with us, maybe next time you could add a photo to show us what the dish looks like. :-)

  3. Hi Vivian, my mouth is watering thinking about your cake. Thank you for sharing the recipe with us. Our daughter lives in our bubble and enjoys baking so I might ask her if she would like to use your recipe to make us all a cake.
    Is it called an egg cake because it uses a large amount of eggs? I bet the eggs make it light and fluffy.
    It would be great if you put up some posts of your online learning this term, since we won't be seeing you for a wee while. I'd love to see what you are doing and learning from home.
    Stay safe and well in your bubble and we will see you when school is back.

  4. Hi Vivian, this egg cake sounds delicious, thank you for sharing the recipe. While I was reading this, it reminded me of the Pavlova that my Nan makes which also uses lots of eggs that need be light and fluffy. I'm going to have a look at the blog post to see if I can help you organise the writing on the page a bit more. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Vivian, I think I can already taste your cake. Is the ingredient mike one that I haven't heard of before or do you mean milk? Wow, you did such an amazing job I don't have any advise for your next blog post.
    Stay safe in your bubble!


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